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Thanks to all who participated in the Bière de Rock.

There were 120 entries judged and 128 registered participants, judges, and stewards.

Best of Show Winners

Best of Show – Beer

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stJames MorgheimDuvel Whichoo25C: Belgian Golden Strong AleRock Hoppers Brew Club
2ndRandy CombsBds33A: Wood-Aged BeerKROC (Keg Ran Out Club)
3rdGeoff HumphreyValor De L'Ange Gardien28A: Brett BeerRock Hoppers Brew Club
HMGeoff HumphreyBlessed And Cursed26D: Belgian Dark Strong AleRock Hoppers Brew Club

Pro-Am - Bruz Beers

Please note: a runner up was chosen by the brewery as a back-up just in case the primary choice's brewer is unavailable.

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stBevan Zarges-GriegoSomething Small25A: Belgian Blond AleRock Hoppers Brew Club
2ndTimothy LambertSaison - #21325B: SaisonDukes Of Ale

Pro-Am - Prost Brewing Company

Please note: a runner up was chosen by the brewery as a back-up just in case the primary choice's brewer is unavailable.

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stPhilip LafleurDitzy Blond25A: Belgian Blond AleWeiz Guys
2ndSteve RistauPink Boots White IPA21B6: White IPA

Scale-Up - Burns Family Artisan Ales

Please note: a runner up was chosen by the brewery as a back-up just in case the primary choice's brewer is unavailable.

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stJames MorgheimDuvel Whichoo25C: Belgian Golden Strong AleRock Hoppers Brew Club
2ndRandy CombsBds33A: Wood-Aged BeerKROC (Keg Ran Out Club)

Winning Entries

Table 1: Euro Sour (8 entries)

1stSean Thomson
Co-Brewer: Mark Pennick
Epistemic Vice23F: Fruit LambicBrew Crew [CO]
2ndNelson CrowleRed Red Ball23B: Flanders Red AleIndian Peaks Alers
3rdRaymond Schultz
Co-Brewer: Jessica Finlay-Schultz
Flanders Red23B: Flanders Red AleAurora City Brew Club

Table 2: Brett and Wild (10 entries)

1stGeoff HumphreyValor De L'Ange Gardien28A: Brett BeerRock Hoppers Brew Club
2ndTimothy LambertAmerican Brett Saison - #21128A: Brett BeerDukes Of Ale
3rdJay PerezBlend 7- Day Break28C: Wild Specialty BeerSoCal Cerveceros (SCC)

Table 3: Wit and Single (8 entries)

1stRaymond Schultz
Co-Brewer: Jessica Finlay-Schultz
Belgian Single26A: Belgian SingleAurora City Brew Club
2ndMark PennickSnaggle Tooth Witt24A: WitbierBrew Crew [CO]
3rdGeoff HumphreyReady To Mingle26A: Belgian SingleRock Hoppers Brew Club

Table 4: Spicy and Woody (7 entries)

1stRandy CombsBds33A: Wood-Aged BeerKROC (Keg Ran Out Club)
2ndNelson CrowlePeter Picked A Pepper30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable BeerIndian Peaks Alers
3rdJosh TakacsRum Rum Rudolph30C: Winter Seasonal BeerAurora City Brew Club
HMJames MorgheimPumpkin Dubbel30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable BeerRock Hoppers Brew Club

Table 5: Fruity (10 entries)

1stMark PennickMandarin Candidate29A: Fruit BeerBrew Crew [CO]
2ndMark PennickSticky Fingers Saison29C: Specialty Fruit BeerBrew Crew [CO]
3rdJames MorgheimWind In My Sails Cherry Blonde Ale29A: Fruit BeerRock Hoppers Brew Club

Table 6: Saison (9 entries)

1stTimothy LambertSaison - #21325B: SaisonDukes Of Ale
2ndMark PennickToolicious25B: SaisonBrew Crew [CO]
3rdMichael KoehlerSaison Of The Witch25B: SaisonRock Hoppers Brew Club
HMWeston WrightTosa25B: SaisonIndian Peaks Alers

Table 7: Belgian Pale and Bière de Garde (11 entries)

1stJohn HortonBelgium Pale 24B: Belgian Pale AleAurora City Brew Club
2ndGeoff HumphreyFetchez La Vache24C: Bière de GardeRock Hoppers Brew Club
3rdEd MooreMr. Fluffy Bier De Garde24C: Bière de GardeRock Hoppers Brew Club

Table 8: Blonde and Golden Strong (12 entries)

1stJames MorgheimDuvel Whichoo25C: Belgian Golden Strong AleRock Hoppers Brew Club
2ndBevan Zarges-GriegoSomething Small25A: Belgian Blond AleRock Hoppers Brew Club
3rdPhilip LafleurDitzy Blond25A: Belgian Blond AleWeiz Guys

Table 9: Dark Strong (11 entries)

1stGeoff HumphreyBlessed And Cursed26D: Belgian Dark Strong AleRock Hoppers Brew Club
2ndJohn LandremanFour Monks26D: Belgian Dark Strong AleBrew Brothers of Pikes Peak
3rdJames MorgheimJet Quad26D: Belgian Dark Strong AleRock Hoppers Brew Club

Table 10: Dubbel (10 entries)

1stSteve RistauStau-Haus No. 726B: Belgian Dubbel
2ndCheyne HarveySmall Dark Horns26B: Belgian DubbelArizona Society of Homebrewers
3rdTom LopezDubbel26B: Belgian DubbelRock Hoppers Brew Club

Table 11: Historical and Specialties (11 entries)

1stSteve RistauPink Boots White IPA21B6: White IPA
2ndMark PennickWypo Grigio34C: Experimental BeerBrew Crew [CO]
3rdBobby RinehartWallonian Riverdance34B: Mixed-Style BeerLakewood Fermentation Club

Table 12: Tripel (13 entries)

1stSean ThomsonStraight Trippin'26C: Belgian TripelBrew Crew [CO]
2ndMark WethingtonTripel Threat26C: Belgian TripelAurora City Brew Club
3rdJohn LandremanSleepy Monk26C: Belgian TripelBrew Brothers of Pikes Peak